Two Months!
Dear Harper,
I have loved watching you grow this month. With Maddie, I didn't want her to grow. I wanted her to stay small forever and to live in the moments of her littleness. With you, I'm enjoying your littleness but I can't wait for you to grow so I can experience you and Maddie enjoying each other as sisters. I've already experienced it a little. She makes you smile. She can be smothering you in your swing or sitting on the table tormenting you while you are in your lamb seat and you just smile at her sweetly. You have the best smile. Your eyes scrunch up and sparkle and your cheeks get big and your lips curve to create the sweetest face. I live for your smiles. Another thing I love that you do is you smile suddenly in the middle of taking your bottle. The nipple will be in your mouth and your mouth will be full of formula and you'll just look up and me and smile! Lately, you have started smiling after you cry which cracks me up. You'll scream bloody murder for minutes on end and then I will put you on your changing table and it's like you know you're about to get what you wanted, either a diaper change or a swaddle and you just light up!
I've been thinking a lot lately about my relationship with you and Maddie and the relationship between you and Maddie and I hope very much that we all grow together and that you and Maddie grow up happy. I make every decision with both of you in mind. Being in a new city has been challenging and I've had to make a lot of decisions about each of you lately. We're going to be moving into a new apartment in a couple of months and although I am sad to be moving again and fear the confusion you (not so much at your young age) and Maddie may experience I have to remind myself that what matters most is family. As long as we have each other we will endure anything.
You are an amazing sleeper. You slept through the night for the first time. It was nice for Mommy to get a full nights sleep! We have been using a sound app on the ipad to produce white noise and I think that helps a lot. We took the pack n'play you were sleeping in when you came home from the hospital out of our room and brought your crib in. It was in Maddies room but there is no way you two are sleeping together yet. Maddie still wakes up frequently at night because of the "people walking" above us and with you waking up to feed once a night I don't want her to wake up, so your crib in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom is the best option. I don't know that I would be ready for you to sleep in another room yet anyway. I put the mobile on the crib and you love it. You kick your legs and look at the characters on the mobile with bright wide eyes, your mouth open in awe. I put you in there sometimes just to change things up and give you something new to look at since you are normally asleep when we lay you in your crib. You've never cried for us to come get you. You love your crib and your mobile.
Daily Routine:
We usually change your sleepers and let you lounge all day in your jammies. Very rarely do we dress you up because we are new and don't know many people there's no reason to. Sometimes Mommy gives you a bath if you need one on weekdays. On weekends, Daddy will help. You tend to have days where you sleep a lot and then days where you sleep very little. I never know what day we have sleepy Harper and wakey Harper!
You are eating 3.5 to 4 ounces every 2.5 hours or so. You are still passionate about eating!
2 months: 13 lbs 14 ozs (91st percentile)
Size ones.
You are very much like your sister, for some reason you sleep just fine at nights in your crib but you will not sleep in it for day time naps. I wish you would! You still sleep with your eyes fluttering and opening at times. Here you are sleeping with your eyes fluttering and smiling!
Hair Color:
Currently: light brown. Your bald spot has disappeared and you now have a full head of sprouting hair. You still have the six or so strands of long hair on the crown of your head. They are about 2.5 inches. Still haven't cut them!
Currently: light brown. Your bald spot has disappeared and you now have a full head of sprouting hair. You still have the six or so strands of long hair on the crown of your head. They are about 2.5 inches. Still haven't cut them!
Funniest moment :
I laughed this past week at the Doctor's office when you decided to poop in the exam room. You only poop every three days so to choose that exact moment while you were undressed and we were waiting on the Doctor was pretty funny. I thought you were done and I changed your diaper and you pooped again! The Doctor walked in and I apologized. I changed your diaper once more while talking with the Doctor and you pee'd on the exam table soaking the paper covering the table and I had to a third diaper on you!
I laughed this past week at the Doctor's office when you decided to poop in the exam room. You only poop every three days so to choose that exact moment while you were undressed and we were waiting on the Doctor was pretty funny. I thought you were done and I changed your diaper and you pooped again! The Doctor walked in and I apologized. I changed your diaper once more while talking with the Doctor and you pee'd on the exam table soaking the paper covering the table and I had to a third diaper on you!
You bring your hands up to your mouth and suck on them when you are hungry. You move your eyes and head to find where a noise is coming from. You have started making noises when you smile. I can't wait until you laugh. I am really looking forward to that. You are kicking your legs when you are happy or enjoying yourself. Your first smile was early in your second month. I absolutely love it when you smile and encourage Maddie to make you smile so that you two can connect. You can grab onto a toy but I don't think it's on purpose quite yet.
Favorite Toy:
You like your activity mat, and you have started batting at the things hanging off of it. We also put a mirror above the mat so you could see yourself and you love looking at yourself.
We also tried out your bumbo briefly. You are too young for it but we had to give it a quick try!
First real smile
First coo while smiling
First music class
First walk outdoors in stroller
Fun Moments: