Thursday, January 17, 2013

Harper's Birth Story

Miss Harper Susan was born January 15, 2013 at 2:50 A.M.  She was 8 pounds 4 ounces and 21 inches long.  I was 41 weeks pregnant and due on Jan 8.  I was also scheduled for an induction on January 16, 2013 at 2:30 A.M.

I was feeling bad all day and feeling a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen.  Maddie and I were home together and she started showing signs of being sick.  She had a 101.7 fever after her nap and was pretty clingy, needing affection which was difficult because I was so sore and so big I couldn't really hold her or rock her comfortably enough for either of us.  I let Jamie and Nancy know Maddie was sick and sent pictures.

This was Maddie right after her nap.  I made her a bed on the sofa and stripped her down to her diaper to cool off.  Maddie never naps on the sofa.  I knew she was pretty sick.

This is after I gave her some tylenol... a whole new Maddie.

Maddie was medicated but I knew the medication was masking the symptoms and I expected things to get worse.  That night Jamie came home and I walked to get my bangs trimmed.  It was just a block but it felt longer. I walked really slow feeling as though the baby would fall out at any moment.  

Jamie's Mom flew into Chicago from St. Louis to be with Maddie during the induction. My induction was supposed to be Wednesday January 16 at 2:30 AM.  She landed around 7:00 P.M. on January 15th , the night before the induction, arriving at our house around 8:15 P.M..  I had been feeling bad all day and feeling a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen.  

After greeting Jamie's Mom I headed went to bed to lie down on my side.  I watched TV and had a couple of contractions that were strong enough that I realized I wouldn't be able to sleep if they continued.  I finally got up at 9:30 P.M. and told Jamie that I thought I needed to go to the hospital which he didn't really react much to.  I explained to him that I hadn't been able to time any contractions but was in pain.  I called and left a message for the Doctor on call and started packing last minute items for the hospital though most of the packing was done.  The Doctor on call called me back and said to go ahead and go into triage to get checked out.

I showered quickly, put on light make-up, dried my hair and got dressed.  Jamie packed his stuff and his last minute items and we were off.  Maddie was already asleep and we didn't get to say goodbye.  Jamie and I drove through a Wendy's drive through for two frosties and a small fry and were on our way downtown to the hospital when Jamie mentioned that he didn't pack some work items at work that day because he thought we were going to be induced the following day.

So, we stopped by Jamie's work at 10:40 P.M..  We parked in the loading dock.  He ran up to his office while I waited in the car breathing through contractions and a few minutes later he dropped me off at Prentice Women's Hospital OB Triage while he parked.

I signed in and had a seat in the waiting room at 11:00 P.M.  Jamie joined me quickly and we were taken to an exam room.  I got into a gown and the nurse checked me.  I was 4 and a half centimeters dilated and in labor!  I was taken upstairs to a labor and delivery suite by wheelchair with Jamie following.  I got settled in and had my epidural while Jamie got the luggage from the car.  

 Dr. Baum came in around 2:30 A.M. to check on me and said I was completely dilated.  I couldn't believe it!  The babies head was still pretty far up but he wondered if I could just go ahead and push and deliver.  The room was prepped while I tried a lot of positions to get the babies heart rate to steady.   Dr. Baum told the nurse to discontinue my epidural so I would be able to feel enough to push.  Oh no...I had been to this rodeo before.  I snuck in an extra dose of my epidural out of fear for pain and tried pushing.  The Doctor wasn't impressed by my first push and said I needed "education" asking the nurses to help me.  I pushed again and blew everyone away when you came down and your head popped out!  The Doctor realized I DID know how to push and I jokingly said "that's for telling me I needed education!".  He asked me to give him my hand and he laid it on the babies head with her body still in my body.  I couldn't believe it.  I was touching my second little girl.

Because the baby had a bowel movement in my belly the pediatricians needed to be at the delivery and they hadn't showed up yet so Dr. Baum had me hold off on pushing until they showed up.  I wasn't pushing but I think my contractions were pushing the baby out and the Dr. wanted to just deliver the baby without the pediatricians.  At one point a nurse said "last time to guess the weight" and I guessed 15 pounds which made everyone laugh including myself and the Dr. told me not to laugh because I was pushing you out just by laughing.  The pediatricians showed up and I pushed very gently one last time and at 2:50 A.M. you were born. Since I couldn't see what was happening down below I watched Jamie's face and will never forget the smile and tears and the look of amazement in his eyes.  The baby came out and he said "2:50 babe".

The baby was taken to the warmer to get checked out and was perfect.  Jamie took a lot of pictures and I got to hold her skin to skin after that.  Jamie asked me what I thought when I held the baby and I remember saying only "I love her".

Jamie told me immediately following the babies birth that Maddie's fever had reached 104.7.  He hadn't told me because he didn't want me to get upset and worry.  Maddie was having a rough night at home and I felt so helpless.  It was my first time wishing I could be in two places at one time as a mother and my second child wasn't even 20 minutes old.

Jamie wanted to name the baby Maisey Sue and I liked the name Harper Susan.  I told my husband I would be objective and that after the baby was born I would look at her objectively and decide on a name with him.  When the baby was first born I thought she looked like a Maisey and I told Jamie that.  I called her "baby girl" when I announced the birth on Facebook explaining we didn't have a name yet.  When an old co-worker asked if she could tell my former co-workers about the birth I said yes and told her the babies name would be Maisey Sue.  She sent out an email to everyone I used to work with and copied me on it and when I saw the name Maisey Sue I realized that wasn't the name for my baby.  Jamie had also gone home to see Maddie in the meantime and Maddie was calling the baby Harper.  I think that was it.  Jamie came back to the hospital and sent an email out to his family with the name Harper Susan.  Harper Susan it was.

Harper's middle name came from Jamie's Aunt who we adore.  When she heard the news she called and left us a message in tears and said that we had made her life.  Jamie and I cried listening to the message and saved it.

Getting some sleep after Harpers arrival.

Harper had the blondest bushiest eyebrows and the longest blonde lashes.  Both her eyebrows and lashes were so light they were only visible at certain angles.

Harper smiled while sleeping all of the time.  I love watching her smile and watching her eyes flutter back and forth while she is in deep sleep.

The day after Harper was born Maddie was well enough to visit the hospital.  We didn't want her to come see the baby because we feared getting the baby sick but I was able to go down to the cafeteria to visit Maddie which was the best feeling in the world.  I got off of the elevator and Maddie ran to me yelling "Mama, Mama" with the sweetest smile on her face.  She looked sick to me even though she was getting better I could see  what the last 48 hours had done to her and I wished I could take her home and cuddle with her and give her a bath which she really needed.  Maddie looked under my shirt wondering where my belly went and after treating her to a snack I showed her a video of Harper.  Maddie was in love.  I took video of her reaction.  Jamie and his Mom were upstairs visiting Harper and later they all went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.

We were so ready to bring Harper home to meet Maddie.  We couldn't wait to introduce them.

I'm so thrilled to have a second girl.  Harper is so sweet and so beautiful.  She's only two days old but I can tell she's a good girl.  I'm overwhelmed by the love i feel and how the heart can expand to love another child as much as I love my first.  I am incredibly blessed and look back in awe at the journey we've taken to get two children.  I feel so fulfilled.  My heart is full and I can't ask for anything more in life.

Introducing Maddie and Harper...

An image I will remember for the rest of my life is Maddie looking out the window when we arrived home.  It was the sweetest sight.  I will always regret not taking a picture of her sweet little face looking out the window and pointing when Mommy and Daddy pulled up in the car.  Jamie and I paused outside to get the video camera ready to video the moment.  It was important to us to give Maddie gifts and visit with her first before introducing her to Harper.  We gave Maddie a baby doll, a Mrs. Potato Head and a Big Sister Book.  

 After opening gifts and saying our hellos, baby Harper made a squeaking noise and Maddie noticed the car seat.  It was then that we introduced the girls that would be sisters forever.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! What a quick labor and delivery you had! That is awesome. I can't wait to see pictures...if you post pictures. So happy for you!
