Wednesday, August 8, 2012

18 weeks

This week, Baby is the size of a:
Sweet Potato 5.6- 6 inches, 8.5 ounces

How far along? 
18 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: 
4 pounds gained

Maternity clothes? 
Yes.  Especially shorts and pants.  I can still get away with big t-shirts.

Well, I have sadly started sleeping on my side and my back only.  It was about time.  I had such a hard time giving up my stomach sleeping.  It takes me a while to get comfortable and a while to fall asleep but once I am asleep I sleep hard.

Best moment this week: 
It was the best moment of last week (again) actually...we had a Dr. appointment for a check up scheduled and the Dr. had to perform a c-section so we didn't get to see him BUT they did allow us to schedule our 20 week ultrasound instead of waiting for 22 weeks so we will get to find out what you are!  I'm very excited!

I am feeling more and more movement!  You have kicked Mommy really hard a couple of times for only being 5.5 - 6 inches long!  Last night you kicked me while I was trying to fall asleep and I yelled "oh sh!t"!   Maddie never kicked like this so I am once again thinking you are a boy!

Food cravings: 
I'm still loving candy but chocolate too and I have been surprised at how I am able to eat meat.  I actually crave hamburgers which is new for me.

Sore back occasionally.  When I do too much or lift Maddie too much I get cramps and contractions

Dr. Appts:
Aug 17th we will find out if you are a girl or a boy!  So excited!

Either would be amazing.  Sometimes I really think it could be a boy because of the kicking but there are many things that are similar to Maddie's pregnancy that make me think it could be a girl.  I also love the idea of being a Mother of two girls. 

Labor Signs:   
Rare contractions

Belly Button in or out? 
Still the same as pre-pregnancy-JUST BIGGER!  Maddie loves to see it and stick her finger all the way inside!

Feeling toward Pregnancy: 
It's much more difficult this time than it was with Maddie just because I am chasing a toddler around and she has been particularly whiny lately which makes my job more difficult but I am so excited to have another baby.  I am loving it when I see new babies out and about or when I walk into the baby store and see all of the things that new babies need.  I am feeling overwhelmed as well because there is so much to get done before you come!

What I miss: 
I miss stability.  Daddy found out that his job is in trouble and I miss feeling secure.  I am doing my best to be strong but it's very difficult.  If I am honest I will say that I'm terrified to think that Daddy may not have a job when you are born.  I have faith that he will but the thought crosses my mind.  As a mother all I want to do is to protect my family and I am feeling really pregnant and rather helpless.

What I am looking forward to: 
Next weeks ultrasound.  Daddy and I could use some good news.

Sleeping on my side and back - finally.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the pregnancy is going really well! So happy for you! I hope you get good news about hubby's job soon.
