Thursday, July 12, 2012

14 weeks-2 days

This week, Baby is the size of an: Lemon 4 inches, 2.5 ounces

How far along? 14 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds gained

Maternity clothes? It's been so hot the last few weeks!  We got up to 108 one day.  I 've been wearing a lot of shorts and dresses along with swim suits to try and keep cool.  Daddy was out of town for five days and Maddie and I went to the park nearly everyday!  I wasn't showing this far along in my last pregnancy so I have had to buy some summer maternity clothes.

Sleep: Sleep is difficult.  I am still (insert guilty face here) sleeping on my stomach from time to time.  I checked with the Dr. and he said it won't hurt the baby.  I don't like doing it but it's the only way I can fall to sleep these days.  I am waking up on my back and sides more these days.  When I wake up I usually have to pee right away.  The pressure the baby puts on my full bladder actually hurts!

Best moment this week: It was the best moment of last week actually...we had an ultrasound where Daddy and I got to see baby!  Baby Ducky is measuring three days further along which means Baby is doing great!  It is a strange time in the pregnancy to be this far along and showing but to not feel any movement.  You actually start to wonder if there is a little baby in there or not!  I was taken aback when I saw that baby has gone from a gummy bear looking blobby thing to a baby shaped baby!  Such a beautiful and assuring sight!  Our next ultrasound we find out the sex!  So exicted!

Movement: Nothing yet, I am waiting eagerly to feel this baby move.  I can't wait!

Food cravings: I love hard candy right now and gummy candies!  I love laffy taffy (the giant strawberry sticks!) pink and red starbursts and jolly ranchers.  I've had a couple of cravings for hamburgers lately which surprises me.  I don't remember liking meat very much while I was pregnant with Maddie.  I've been a sushi eating fool too.  I keep taking people (I call them my victims) with me to eat sushi!

Symptoms: Sore back at times when I stand to long or do too much. It's really hard to raise a toddler while pregnant.  If I would have known this while I was pregnant with Maddie I would have laid on the sofa A LOT more!  

Dr. Appts - July 5th we saw Dr. Bale and he said everything is looking great!

Gender: Either would be amazing.  Sometimes I really think it could be a boy!  I am just so grateful for the opportunity to have another baby join our family.  We love you so much baby ducky!  

Labor Signs: Nah.

Belly Button in or out? Still the same as pre-pregnancy.

Feeling toward Pregnancy: Loving it.  I am loving watching my belly grow and I love more than anything asking Maddie where baby ducky is and she points to my stomach (most of the time - sometimes she points at my boobs - close enough!)  Maddie kisses baby ducky too.  So sweet.  She really has no idea what's going on but it makes me happy to see the two babies so close when she kisses my belly.

What I miss: Nothing really.  In a couple of weeks it will be sleeping on my stomach but that's a small price to pay for a baby!

What I am looking forward to: Picking stuff out for the nursery.

Milestones: Maddie pointing and kissing baby ducky.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a baby shaped baby! So glad to hear that everything is going so well!
