Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Twelve Months! Dec 15 to Jan 15

Dear Harper,

Month twelve was our best yet! We spent so much time together as a family over the holiday and enjoyed our first Christmas and New Years together with our Harper mouse.  You really enjoyed the family time.  We spent a lot of quality time together and I'm grateful.  It was a perfect holiday.  I feel so complete with you in our lives.  It's like you sealed our lives with a kiss.


You are sleeping like a rock star.  Two naps a day.  A one to one and a half hour nap in the morning and a two hour or less nap in the afternoon.  It's hard to keep quiet when you are napping because your room is right off of the living room and kitchen.  You are a light sleeper but manage well with a sound machine.

Feedings:  You gave up your bottle without an issue at all.  You are eating primarly finger fooods.  You love veggie fries and blueberries.  You are teething like crazy and munching on frozen waffles all of the time.  You walk to the freezer door and show me you want a waffle.

Weight:  23 lbs 12 oz


Clothes Size:
12-18/18 months

Memorable Moment:
You said Mama when I was changing you a couple days before Christmas and it made me smile so big.  Mama!!!  I love it!  You are definitely a Mama's girl.

You are just about to walk.  You are so close it will be any day now!  (Walked week after your birthday!)

Your favorite toys:You love the play kitchen and the doll house.  You don't like playdough.  You cry when you touch it.  You love music.  You will dance to any sort of pop music.  You and Maddie rock out in the back seat to yankee doodle dandy and five little monkeys!  It's totally, completely adorable how much you love music.  

Personality-  It's that age where I start getting to know your personality.  It's blooming.  I love watching you figure things out, hearing your laugh, seeing you start to walk and watching your bond grow with your sister.  She wants nothing more than to boss you around and be your best friend.  She's rough with you but you take it and pretty soon you're going to start giving it back.  You don't let her just take something from you or do you wrong in any way.  You scream and let it be known that you have rights too, darnit!  You're a strong girl, Harper.  You're a fighter.  Getting to know you and your personality is such fun and brings new light to our lives each day.  I'm so interested to see what you become in the future.

I love you,

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