I was just as nervous this time around for my beta results as I was last time. The call came early which was a nice surprise. Usually, the closer it gets to 1:00 (when they say they will call) the more nervous I get. So, 11:30 was a welcomed treat. I was taking furniture inventory at my work. The one day I decide to wear heals is the one day I have to walk 40,000 square feet. My feet were swollen and I have blisters, still.
Anyway, the nurse, Amy, called and said she had good news. She said my beta was wonderful. It was 2326. Then she congratulated me and told me the Doctor's administrative assistant would be calling to schedule my first ultrasound.
A couple of hours later I received the call from Sandy who congratulated me and gave me appointment options. Our ultrasound is Thursday at 2:00 and our appointment with the Doctor is at 2:15. We should be able to see a sack and a fetal pole if all goes well. I will be just as nervous then as I was for the betas.
If we make it past the first ultrasound we can schedule our next ultrasound to see a heartbeat at 7 weeks, I believe. This would be an amazing and well timed treat as we leave the following morning for a wedding in Memphis and will have plenty of time to celebrate. I don't want to think of the alternative so I am not.
Mother's day is in a couple of days and this is my second one. Mother's Day means more to me than Christmas. It's my favorite holiday of the year. I am going shopping tomorrow to find a charm to represent this past year with Madelyn. I started the tradition last year of getting her a charm for every Mother's Day because I celebrate her on that special day for making me a Mother. Without her I wouldn't be a Mother. Maddie and I spent a very special day together today. She is getting to be so much fun now that she walks! We woke up, had breakfast and went to a nearby park that has horses. It's very cool and has amazing landscaped grounds. I always stop at the bench below to take a picture. She is looking up at the trees. She knows what trees are now and loves to look and point and say "tree" or her version of "tree" anyway. I took some pictures, and took her to see the horses which she absolutely LOVED. I have many pictures of her pointing. We stopped at Target afterwards for no reason at all really. Came home for a nap and then walked to B&N bookstore where we purchase. I suppose I am having some odd cravings as we had Guacamole, Chips and Pizza for dinner. My husband asked twice what we were having over the phone. To his credit, he ate it!
I haven't felt sick so far at all. Nothing. It seems too good to be true. My appetite is ummm...healthy, shall we say? I am constantly eating to satisfy cravings but nothing tastes as good as I hope it will so I move on to something else. I have also had a high burst of energy. I am typing this at 3:30 AM. I haven't been able to sleep and have been nesting, yes, nesting at 5 weeks post ovulation. WTF? I don't get it. No sleep and endless energy.
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