Eureka! We struck gold! Or it feels like we did. I actually had a surge! I got the happy face on my digital opk Friday. CD 16. Of course we had been BD'ing every other night starting on day 10 but the night before I ovulated I was so tired I asked J if we could wait until the morning, he was tired too. When I got the positive test Friday morning I was bummed because our BD'ing would have been perfect had we just BD'd the night before we struck gold. So we BD'd that morning and that night as well as the next night. It seems like there is always one thing I wished I would have done differently each cycle and wish so badly I could go back and change. This time it was not BD'ing the night before I surged.
So, we are officially in the TWW. I am of course already over analyzing everything. In the middle of the night I felt 3 twinges on my left ovary or what I think is my left ovary which was probably my intestine or something. I felt it once more in the same area this morning when I was making Maddie breakfast. I'm sick right now with some terrible bug that makes my throat feel like a cat slid down it with it's nails curled . My voice is nearly gone too. The house is far behind. Laundry is far behind - but I spent some amazing quality time with my girl this weekend. That's what it's all about.
The Voices We Entertain
1 week ago
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